Karl's Corner - 04/16/2001
...Japan show #2 in Sendai is in the history books. Dan the Lighting Man hooked me up with some more pictures, including a setlist photo, see the setlist archive for that. Dan sez: "Sendai was another successful show, nothing of extreme note, no fairy flew out of the guitar case in my heart. Atom joined in on maracas for Island in the Sun, and Mikey dedicated Only in Dreams to the late Joey Ramone. Everyone is in good spirits."
...Chris from The Wenzels, who were to open for weezer in Japan, had this bad news to pass on: "our drummer had to leave our tour early due to his mother being really sick. The doctors say she doesn't have much time left on this earth. This was out of our control, and we would [still] like to try to get on the bill for Europe. I have already notified the booking agents in Japan so they will have to get another band to open for them.
-Sincerely, Chris