Karl's Corner - 02/16/2002
02/16/02 once again, you gots to chill sometimes
...day off: Albany NY. We came, we saw, we wandered around in taxis looking for stuff. Pat and I did manage to find a cool record shop downtown, and there were reports of various malls being invaded during quests for durable goods...or at least triple grande lattes. The evening plan was to go see "The Royal Tenenbaums", but in the end everyone bailed but Sheeny and I. Well, they all missed out! Good flick. Then it was back to work: see the audio video page for a new video clip!
...Maladroit action!
- KROQ Los Angeles continues to spin "Dope Nose" with a pleasant regularity!
- Chicago's 94.7 The Zone is playing "Dope Nose" now too!
- WCHS 88.1, in Worcester Mass: the DJ sez: "...This past Wednesday night, I played a block of songs off of Maladroit (Keep Fishin’, Dope Nose, and Slave). There also is a copy of the entire CD burned and sitting in the studio for all the other DJ’s to play. I know that it has been getting lots of air time..."
...other action:
- WRDL 88.9 FM, "The Eagle", Ashland, Ohio: the DJ sez: "...'Sugar Booger' came out of nowhere and is the #5 song on WRDL !"