Karl's Corner - 08/02/2001

From Weezerpedia

8/02/01: jes' mo' tidbits

...tommorrow the guys are scheduled to join Rivers in the rehearsal space, to start going over all the brand new songs that Rivers has been coming up with recently. In a few weeks there should be a whole new pile of weezer demos! I'll be getting some reports from the guys (and hopefully some pictures) as the rehearsals go on, and as ever any band news will go here.

..."so when are they going back on tour?" Well, the planning is underway, and as soon as there is some concrete info, we will post it. At this point, it looks like both September and October will be completely filled with tour dates, and likely a lot more after that too!

...there are some weezer TV appearences coming up, thanks to the various fans who clued in and helped spread the word:

...I'm a little late with this info, (hopefully there will be a repeat?) In the UK, on MTV2, a show called
"Weezer Choose" is on this Friday Aug, 3rd, (today in the UK already!) in which Weezer will be selecting their favorite videos. Now, I was in the UK with them, and I dont remember them taping this, but that could just be me. It will definately be a pre-taped thing because theyre in LA right now.

...For European fans, on CNBC Europe, The Tonight Show with Weezer's performance of "Island In The Sun" will be broadcast this Saturday, August 4, at 8.30pm CET.

...On "Much Music USA" (...I assume also in Canada?) on Tuesday, August 14 at 5:00 pm EST, there will be a "Spotlight Episode" on Weezer.

...I'm getting a lot of people writing in about their local "weezerfest" activity planning. A LOT of new cities have been added, and some of the events (like in NYC for example) are getting prertty complex. Please check out the weezerfest website for details. Please note thats these "weezerfests" are NOT concerts, Weezer will NOT be there. These are cool fan-organized fan-attended gatherings. Some will be like an informal party, some will have raffles and prizes. Some may have cover band(s) playing some weezer songs. A lot of it is up to you, so contact your local weezerfest organizer if your interested (list of email addresses of organizers is on the site...). I think its all pretty darn cool, as its a 100 percent "grass roots" effort!

...to answer a lot of peoples question about the "Pat and Karl at Interscope" video clip (over in the Audio Video section), the music in the backround is "So Cocksure", by a band called Smarty Pants, from Oklahoma. they have a website (smartypantsmusic.com), where theres a stream of "that song".

...another Green Album Vinyl sighting! In New York City at Tower Records (1961 Broadway, around 66th St), there are about 10 copies of the green album on vinyl left. They're $11.99. (thanks Heathie!)