Karl's Corner - 08/17/2001
8/17/01 Chris Caughton, R.I.P.
...Hi everyone. I've been informed by the freinds of uber-weezer fan and all around great guy Chris Caughton that he lost his difficult battle with cancer on Wednesday, August 15th, at about 9 PM. In the week preceeding his untimely death, his fellow weezer fans (thats YOU!) did a wonderful thing and joined weezer in signing his website's guestbook with over 3500 messages of support and good cheer. According to his buddies he was totally stoked by all the correspondance and it really made his last days a bit brighter. So everyone, THANKS for rallying behind a fellow weezer fan like that. It is proof that you guys are the best fans any band can hope for.
- "After myself and Chris' closest friends said our good-byes
- on Friday, we continued to hear from his mom about all the good wishes he had
- received from weezer fans, and the memorabilia from people associated with
- Weezer. The names Chris Caughron and Weezer will forever be linked, and you
- guys are the reason. Thanks so much for your compassion. I have no doubt in
- my mind and in my heart that Chris is now on "an island in the sun" and that
- until all of us are reunited we will be with him "only in dreams"...
- -Amir Orandi
...Chris's memorial service will be in Visalia, California on
Saturday, Aug. 25 at 10am in a local Methodist church. By an uncanny coincidence, this is of course the same date as weezer's show at the KROQ L.A. Inland Invasion Show, and you know, I can just tell that Chris will be watching! Rock On, Chris!