Karl's Corner - 09/11/2001
9/11/01 stay strong, everyone
Todays show in San Jose has been postponed by order of the State of California and the City of San Jose, due to the nationwide state of high alert from the awful terrorist attacks earlier today. The entire weezer family sends out our thoughts and sympathies to all the victims of this mindless carnage. We all have a lot to think about today.
...as to today's and other shows on the tour, I currently have no info about when there will be a rescheduling of todays show, nor if any other shows will be affected. Earlier, I had heard that tomorrows Oakland show was scheduled to go on as planned, and that is how it stands right now. With how much chaos is going on today, I'll have to get back to you later as to the final desicions on all this stuff...
...Also, I've gotten word that there are some special circumstances regarding the Las Vegas show- Usual openers Cold are unable to make it for that one, due to a previous engagement. So, we've contacted our old buddies OZMA about opening the show instead, and they are totally into the idea! Their only problem is that singer Daniel is stuck in New York right now, and is working on getting to Las Vegas in time to make the show. Also, as it turns out, that show falls on Daniel's birthday! So...assuming that the show is on as planned, and you can make it, come help us celebrate Daniel's bithday in Vegas.