Karl's Corner - 04/26/2002
04/26/02 Tomorrow's sounds today
5/01 update: more pix added
5/10 update: even more pix added
"...His name is Jonas, he's carrying the wheel. Jonas Hunglund with the goal for the Leafs..." ---John Buccigross, ESPN2, during tonights Flyers/Senators game...
...Dusty West Tour show #3: PNE Coliseum: Vancouver, British Columbia
"...The show was so much fun tonight. It was like a big party we were playing. Not like an arena at all. I was blown away also I think that was the best set list yet. Or at least for Canada it was...." Scott (Mr. Bass man)
the fans tell us what they saw...
- "...Amazing show. I can't believe how solid this band has become over the past few months. I saw them in November, and they were great, but after tonight's performance, my respect for the way they are playing live has increased even more. Scott was totally on tonight, and did some sweet ad-libbing between songs and at the end of 'Only In Dreams'. Not to mention his bgvs - the guy can sing! The show was also opened with a short instrumental that had a very cool vibe to it - similar to 'The Dawn' in a way, but more melodic. I later heard that [it was possibly] Scott who wrote it. Good stuff. Rivers was in top form as well, getting into all of the songs and really looking like he was feeling it. His vocal performance was stellar and his solos were tight. Brian as usual (aside from technical difficulties - not his fault) was great, and it was good to see and hear him soloing again on the Pinkerton tunes. Pat was solid on the skins and displayed some wicked guitar riffage at the finale (think Rush). more...So yeah, best show ever. They definitely brought and dropped teh rock on Vancouver...." ---Ridd
- "...Oh my good lord. RAWKING concert! The highlight of the whole night was weezer playing el scorcho. Technically I was there alone, but during the concert it was like I was with 10000 of my best friends. I'd like to thank all the people who stepped on my feet, kicked me in the head, used me as a stepping stool and the guy who was doing something gross to my back..RAWK(see some of you vancouverians at Weezerfest!) ps. Someone threw my lip gloss on stage, so for the record, it'd look way better on Scott anyway!)..." ---Stephanie D
- "...holy bloody hell, that was a ****** great show!! i was waiting in line since like 1 o'clock. i got to the veune around 12 and walked around for 2 HOURS, then got in line.... waited for like 6 hours or more...anyways, when waiting i heard [a boombox playing] WEEZER's el scorcho and i got so pumped and really wish that they played it. AND THEY ******* DID!! it was great! they opened with dope nose, then photograph, el scorcho, superstar, and something something something....now my ears are still frigging ringing like ****! Rivers said tons of stuff but i cant remember a thing right now. he was so great!! i also threw a cow on stage... and i hope they got it!! i always waved at brian like frantic and HE SMILED AT ME!! oh my god. i love weezer SO MUCH! GREAT SHOW! thanks for everything!!..." ---Emerald
- "...The first thing I have to say is 'wow'. It's been 5 years since Weezer was here last, and tonight's dosage of rock was enough to easily forget how long they've been gone for. The opening bands, although good, did little to fire up the already buzzing crowd, obviously there for Weezer. Pete Yorn warned us: "[weezer was] here to bring it tonight"...after much waiting they finally came out and the place couldn't get any louder. The biggest surprise of the night was when Rivers said, 'here's a song you all want to hear' and treated us to El Scorcho! The only technicalities of night were when Brian's guitar stopped working for a moment, (and he was handed a flying V!), and Pat momentarily stopped playing after the solo in Hash Pipe. When I left, I could tell that everyone else leaving were completely satisfied, most with smiles on their faces. Tonight's show only reinforced in my mind why Weezer is my favorite band...." ---Steve
- "...First off, let me say that the show tonight was the greatest musical experience of my life. Never before have I been rocked in such a way that moved me so much. Both I and all the people around me were very grateful for the FOUR Pinkerton songs that were performed tonight --especially "El Scorcho!" I definitely wasn't expecting that one. All the Blue and Green songs were fantastical, as were the sprinkling of Maladroit tracks that were shared with us. I really dug "Superstar" even though Brian's goregous flying V was having some issues. That's definitely my favorite Summer 2000 track besides "Slob." Scott's moves and amazing bass work was second only to the rediculously cool cock-rock poses of Rivers. Scott has definitely made the transition of full-fledged weezerite and we welcome him with open arms into the club! The smoke and the lighting and the musicianship on "Only In Dreams" was enough to bring about tears in me and make me remember why I love weezer so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Rivers' and Brian's guitar work this evening was superb, especially the shredding of each and every solo -- and all the amazing guitar licks in between! We know you love to shred, Rivers... Thanks for letting it out. :) All in all, that was the greatest show I have ever seen, bar none. It even tops the amazing show from the Showbox in Seattle during the summer of 2000! Thank you, members of Weezer, for rocking me without regard for yourselves or anyone else!..." ---Adam B.