Karl's Corner - 04/28/2002
04/28/02 breakfast with the arts
updated 5/10
...Dusty West Tour show #4: Beasley Coliseum: Pullman, Washington
- Weezer in Pullman April 28
- by Chris Kornelis
- for The University of Idaho Argonaut
- Pullman needed Weezer.
- The Palouse region, which roughly encompasses the neighboring cities of Pullman Wash and Moscow Idaho have been in desperate need of some world-class rock 'n' roll. The last rock act to make its way through was Vertical Horizon and Nine Days and frankly it wasn't much of a rock show. In small towns such as Pullman and Moscow, when there is a major show like Weezer was, everybody turns out. It's an event, almost a holiday. The show was a who's who of the Palouse and it's easy to say that everyone at the show got their fill of rock.
- Weezer's unique stage presence and persona, enunciated by Rivers beard worked the crowd into a frenzy early in the evening, and it wasn't long before "the pit" was in top form. The Palouse may be unknown to most, but Weezer is no unknown to the Palouse. Most fans sang along to every song all night, other than when the band broke into tunes from the yet to be released "Maldroit." Songs off the blue album, which most of the fans in attendance had been first exposed to while in junior high and early high school, rang through the Beasley Coliseum like an anthem from a time when kids had no idea who they really were. Hearing the bands new material was exciting because it was evidence that Weezer had more music that was going to keep the bands buzz alive.
- The bands Vegas setup was hypnotic to fans, and when first revealed, many fans stared in awe at the classic "W" and the tinsel colored background. Weezer played for about and hour and a half but could have played twice that long. Fans would have stayed all night if they were given the opportunity. The band appeared to be fatigued, as if they had been on the road virtually non-stop since they released "Green." Oh yeah-they have been. Kudos to the band for being road warriors and bringing their act to a part of the world that doesn't rock nearly enough. Hopefully Weezer had as much fun as every fan in the house. They are welcome back any time.
Fan reports: the first 5 people to send in their Pullman rock tales:
- "...I just got back from the Pullman Washington show...WOW!!! I saw them in November when they came to Seattle, and I thought they were awesome then, but they really kicked ass tonight! It seems like they have really evolved in the past few months. The new stuff from Maladroit just added to the insanity! I was right in front of Brian near the front of the crowd, and was amazed with both him and River's guitar work. It was like butter. Anyways, just wanted to express my extreme over satisfaction with the whole night. Weezer is going to have to come back to Washington, my life seems so bland inbetween Weezer concerts!" ---Annette L.
- "...The first cd I ever purchased was weezer’s blue album, and I think it is fitting that the first concert I ever went to was a weezer concert. Tonite was probably the best night I have had here all semester. Am Radio opened up with a killer riff, and four [..?] more songs. Pete Yorn ended his showing with a great rock out session. About 25 minutes later the lights went off and the crowd erupted as Rivers, Pat, Scott, and Brian came on the stage. Never before have I been to a public place with so many people and felt that we all had things in common. From the frat guys, dorm guys, people who live off-campus, and I even saw a couple profs. It felt great to be able to sing along with the band thru their whole set. From dope nose to buddy holly the concert was a hit. To all people who have never before been to a weezer concert I suggest they go for sure no matter what the price. Weezer has always been my favorite band out there, and Pinkerton has to be my favorite album, although it caught flak from everyone else. I was screaming for "The Good Life" at the top of my lungs after every song, until they started another song that I just loved. Once they played The Good Life I was jumping up and down with excitement, even though I was in Reserved Seating (bummer). If you ever need someone to tag along with you and set up your equipment I would love to do it! It was GREAT!!!!! GO GUYS GO" ---Kurt H., WSU Computer Science Student
- "...After crossing the state of washington to view the great show of weezer. I was greated by an awesome show. The first band (AM radio) had good stuff, i was blown away by their harmonies, and then [Pete Yorn] had a strong show. I was now ready to see the weez. They opened with a sweet little jam and broke into Dope Nose! they progressed through songs from all 5 albums....yes five, they even added "Modern Dukes" from the current recordings. they ended with Buddy holly and a huge feedback fest by rivers and scott. the highlights were of course the new songs from maladroit and #5, Rivers bringing back "el scorcho", "good life", and "across the sea" [...ed. note- this song was not in the set. we suspect the writer meant "why bother"...] i enjoyed when rivers finished playing [why bother(?)] and asked if everybody "felt for his pain". Rivers got a pear thrown at him and only could ask "why.....the world may never know", while scott was checking out all the fine honeys in the front row. Its good to see the gang having a good time up there. I also noticed rivers going back to the fender strats, i didn't recognize these, there were no stickers on them. After the show i was inches away from rivers set list only to have the stage hand give it to some girl!!! Thanks for the show and we'll see you next time!" ---Dustin J
- "...i just got back from the pullman concert, all I can say is wow! I saw em in November too, but this show was so much cooler. Rivers actually seemed happy and interacted with the crowd. He even took the hat of this guy I vicariously "knew" through people we met in line, and put it on. It was awesome! I had heard it through the weezer grapevine that el scorcho would be played, and lo and behold, all my wishes were granted when it was played, along with the good life. All in all a really kick ass show. The crowd was very supportive and unlike the boise crowd from last November, everyone knew all the lyrics and I could tell was as equally devoted as I. I met some great people and really restored my faith in humanity as well...so weez on! I know I will." ---Kyrsten C
- "...I just got back from Pullman. What an amazing show! The setlist was absolutely perfect, and I left the concert more than satisfied. If my memory serves me right, weez played four from Blue, four from Green, and we were even treated to four from Pinkerton( el scorcho, the good life, why bother, and tired of sex)! The crowd was crazy--rivers and brian seemed to be genuinely surprised at all the wild crowd surfing going on. They were both having a great time up there. AM Radio was a very pleasant surprise and Pete Yorn was amazing, especially his cover of China Girl. Thanks for the memories, this'll be a show to remember for quite a while!" ---=w=