Karl's Corner - 08/14/2002

From Weezerpedia

08/14/02 big ol' jet airliner

touring: Fly To Japan [part 1]

Off to Japan! Thru the wonder of airline miles, I was able to upgrade to business class for the 10 hour flight, which allowed for an actual nap at some point. Never kept track of those pesky miles before this year, now I'm glad I started! A smooth flight for the most part. A blur of naps and nap-like states of grogginess, reading Clash book 'A Riot Of Our Own', salads, cheese, nasty film "The Time Machine" blissfully ignored in favor of some good computer work. The band napped heavily on this flight, which is always a good thing when hurtling thru the air at 37,000 feet. Conclusion: take more naps, youll be happier.

The bummer of it being that when we landed in Japan, we had lost a day. It was 4 Pm... on the 15th! See the upcoming 8/15 report for the continuation of...As The Weez Turns...